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United Arab Emirates

Visa Type: tourist


Consul Processing Time (after submission): average of 3 working days


Visa Fee:

Single Entry: $120 (30 Days) Multiple Entry: $315 (60 Days)


Assistance Fee: ₱2,000


Estimated Total: Single Entry: ₱9,200 (30 Days) Multiple Entry: 20,900 (60 Days)


*Please submit your application no more than 3 months before your planned travel date.

Visa and processing fees may change without prior notice due to currency volatility.


Steps of Application:

  1. Submit Your Basic Information

    • Provide your email address, phone number, and a scanned copy of your passport bio-data page.

  2. Complete the Draft Application Form

    • Fill out the draft application form under “Links and Files.”

    • Submit the draft for our reference.

  3. Payment Processing

    • We will send a Service Request to your email for payment.

    • Complete the payment and send us the proof of payment for verification.

  4. Review and Finalization

    • After payment verification, we will review and finalize your draft application form for accuracy.

  5. Submission of Requirements

    • We will provide a Google Drive link for you to upload all required documents.

      • You may send physical copies of your documents to our office via courier or visit us in person.

    • Our team will review your documents for submission.

  6. Visa Processing

    • After your online submission to the visa center, we will await the result of your visa application.

  7. Release of Visa Result

    • We will notify you once your visa result is available.

Links and Files

For draft form:


  1. UAE information sheet

  2. Digital copy of recent passport size (2×2 cm) colored picture (white background)

    1. Avoid the following:

      1. smiling

      2. makeup

      3. white shirt

      4. jewelry

  3. Scanned copy of full biodata page of the passport (6 months valid)

  4. Round Trip Ticket (provided by Travel Right)

  5. Hotel Reservation Copy / Place of Stay (provided by Travel Right)

Use A4 size paper as much as possible.

For any documents missing, please provide an explanation letter.

The embassy may request additional documents after submission.

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